Rabu, 06 April 2016

Recipe for Tuna with tomato soup

Recipe for Tuna with tomato soup
Tuna with tomato soup is an excellent recipe, besides being delicious. Make a soup on fresh leaves you relaxed and ready for bed. Some options help to leave more complete and tasty diet. For you who seeks nutritional and healthy options, check out this delicious recipe for Tuna with tomato soup.

4 ripe tomatoes cut into 4 parts.
1/2 small red bell pepper cut into cubes.
1 small onion chopped.
1 large stalk of celery chopped coarsely.
1/2 chili finger Lady small chopped seedless.
2 tablespoons olive oil.
Salt to taste.
1 Tomatoes, peeled and seeded, cut into 8 pieces.
1 can of tuna.
60 g of grated Parmesan cheese.
Preparation: the Blender in the beaker, add the tomatoes cut in 4 parts, the bell pepper, onion, celery and pepper. Beat well until you get a homogenous cream. Pass the preparation by the sieve. then, add the olive oil and season with salt to taste. Mix well. Then add the tomatoes and the drained tuna. Sprinkle with the parmesan and serve immediately.

2 komentar:

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